Over 75 years of experience & commitment
  • Representing the interests of the construction chemicals industry
  • 130 member companies with around 32,000 staff generate sales of 8.9 billion euros annually
  • Integrated in the German chemical industry association Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (VCI)
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About Deutsche Bauchemie e.V.

Established in 1948, Deutsche Bauchemie is the leading association of manufacturers of construction chemical products. The association forms the interface between member companies, politicians, public authorities, the construction industry, standardisation institutes and research and teaching at national and European levels.

Over 130 companies are organised in Deutsche Bauchemie. With annual sales of around 8.9 billion euros, they account for half of the European market volume and around a quarter of the world market.

The membership of Deutsche Bauchemie ranges from medium-sized specialty suppliers to global players of the construction chemicals industry. This includes both manufacturers of construction chemical products and their raw material suppliers who jointly discuss supply chain aspects. All association members stand for first-class products and excellent service for the entire construction industry.


Construction chemicals are usually complex chemical mixtures with high performance for various applications in the construction sector. Developing these products needs much expertise and experience. For this reason, formulation know-how requires strong protection. Deutsche Bauchemie represents the following product types:

  • Concrete and mortar admixtures
  • Concrete repair and surface protection systems
  • Reaction resin-bonded coatings
  • Liquid applied waterproofing systems
  • Cold processed bitumen products
  • Construction sealants
  • Modified mineral mortar systems
  • Wood preservatives